Setting Realistic Expectations
Everyone involved with Star Citizen is filled with a lot of hopes, dreams, ambitions, and expectations. We all know the promises that have been made to us by Cloud Imperium Games. The developers know what is at stake if they fail to fulfill those promises. It is a mutual faith that we share as backers that the development will fulfill those promises and not fail us, we believe in them and what they promise but we also understand it will take time.
The same logic applies to us here for the planning of the Daymar Rally. I know a lot of people are itching to have something right "now" and in their hands. Believe me, no one wants that more than the team at Daymar Rally. I am sure if CIG had the power to snap their fingers and conjure up the persistent universe in an instant, they would.
So taking a page out of CIG's book and for the sake of transparency, I would like to address just why we need time. I have seen a few people questioning how far off the race date is set. It is nearly a year and that seems like a long way away for those sitting with their racing helmets donned in their Rovers ready to roll. For those that are organizing this event, there is simply not enough hours in the day to get done what we hope to get done in that relatively short period of time.
CIG has inspired us to be ambitious and we believe that anything worth doing, is worth doing right. Could we bring you a dirt track race tomorrow? Probably. But we want to build an experience that no one else can offer and one that you will never forget. We want this to look, feel, live, and breathe like a real off-road, endurance race. We want players invested with their UEC, time, and equipment. We want teams to have experiences and memories they will cherish forever. We want to capture all the drama, intensity, and drive required for a long distance, off-road, endurance challenge.
In order to make that happen, we have to be patient. We need to wait for CIG to implement features we require to simulate these realistic races. We want everyone that has ever wanted to race in the Baja races, or trek across the Australian Outback, or African Veldt to have their dreams come true. We need to wait for fuel, food, water and wear/tear on vehicles to be an issue. We need to see if they are going to iron out land navigation a little better while on the ground. We need to see what our limits will be in the game, and where we will be empowered.
It is going to take time, but that does not mean the time will be boring. It will be filled with mini-races, Public Relations Outreach events so we can film footage for trailers, there will be test runs, rules and regulations discussions and field testing, and it will be an involved process.
We are making this for everyone, and therefore you will get into this what you put into this. Give us your patience, understanding, and help and we will give you memories, experiences, and heart thumping moments that will leave you on the edge of your seats.
Brace yourselves, Daymar Rally is coming.