Daymar Rally @ CitizenCon 2949


It’s been a big year for the team at Daymar Rally, proven even more by the reception myself (Cor5aire) and Swift_Tropix received in Manchester. Part of my job coming to CitizenCon is to meet and chat to as many community leaders as possible. As you will soon see it was a big success in that department.

Two Days Prior: First night in Manchester I went straight to BrewDog and met the Matadors. Speaking to the Matadors was as expected……. Was also reunited with Segellion from Altama Energy, always much to talk about it when we are in the same room. We are working hard on making the Star Racing website beneficial for the Daymar Rally as much as it is for Star Racing.

One Day Prior (Set Up Day): After picking up some hire equipment I finally met up with Swift_Tropix at the Convention Centre to begin setting up. We were there on time and set up before everyone else so we had time to kill. Unlike CitizenCon 2948 we did not have all access to the convention centre to get some early sneak peeks.

JR + Cor5aire

JR + Cor5aire

Kals + Cor5aire

Kals + Cor5aire

RexZilla + Cor5aire

RexZilla + Cor5aire

We had the chance to spend a little time with Andy from GameGlass (a fellow Australian) and Kals + JR dropped off the trophies. My mind exploded when I saw the trophies for the first time. JRD+F had a big day and night ahead of them so we let them be. With not much left to do we head back to BrewDog where I caught a quick chat with RexZilla and Xocliw. After that I quickly dashed over to Peaky Blinders to catch the end of BoredGamer and Morphologis mobile interview booth.

Cor5aire + DTOX

Cor5aire + DTOX

Still pretty quiet at Peaky Blinders so I dashed back to BrewDog again and sat down with IMI and DTOX. I’ve been a huge fan of DTOX for a while now and it was so great to meet him and the IMI crew in person. I was booked in for dinner with IMI so we walked over and ate before heading back to Peaky Blinders and the official Bar Citizen.

Finally had the chance to talk shop with Stim Citizen who is a fantastic community member if you ever have the pleasure to speak to him. I crossed the street and bumped into MrSez from Frontier 17 the official Daymar Rally security team. That was a meeting a long time in the making, ended up spending most of the night catching up with those guys. Also had a chance to speak to Madness + Myz, The Few, Texas Skulls and Glitched in Orbit among some but many more I could mention.

Frontier17, Asgeir, Norgeek + Cor5aire

Frontier17, Asgeir, Norgeek + Cor5aire

CitizenCon Day: It is always a great opportunity to meet the community and meet them we did. The Daymar Rally booth was situated next to Star Racing and a dude that drives a Tesla and makes 3D printed models (Javelin, Mobiglass etc.) We were also across from the Test Squadron booth where I finally had the chance to meet Captain Richard. We traded shirts (he loves orange) as you can see on one of his recent streams. We also discussed Captain Richard coming on board as a live guest correspondent for the upcoming rally. Still in discussion but he seems keen and I am very hopeful.

26 teams registered for the rally which is up by 10 from CitizenCon 2948. So many people dropped by the booth it became a blur. Scire Imperium and ArieNeo dropped by the booth for a rapturous embrace as they have been long time supporters of the rally and even wear the DR logo on their official jersey. Later on they had a photo with CR, it was great just to see Chris Roberts wearing the DR logo. Thanks for that lads!

Scire Imperium, ArieNeo + Cor5aire

Scire Imperium, ArieNeo + Cor5aire

Scire Imperium + Chris Roberts

Scire Imperium + Chris Roberts

While Swifty covered the booth I had the chance to have a couple of live interviews with CIG which is always an honor! Huge bonus for us is that we get the word out to new and existing community members who haven’t heard or need to be reminded that the rally is coming up.

The first interview was with Molly from CIG and Flexxe from Star Racing, we discussed the current state of racing in Star Citizen and what we want to see in the future. The second interview was live on the main stream with Tyler, I love working with Tyler and Ulf whenever I can. Even though it’s usually a small amount of time it’s always great. I was able to display the trophies to the entire community which still blows my mind. See the very fast interview below.

Flexxe, Cor5aire + Molly

Flexxe, Cor5aire + Molly

Molly, Cor5aire + Flexxe

Molly, Cor5aire + Flexxe

We did have reserved seats down the front row which was nice treat to watch the opening and closing ceremonies from. Honestly after all the main attractions were over the jet lag and two 3am nights before hand got the better of me, I was absolutely exhausted. I said good bye to a bunch of people and headed back to the hotel at around 11.30pm.

Tesla Dude, Swift_Tropix, Cor5aire + Segellion

Tesla Dude, Swift_Tropix, Cor5aire + Segellion

It was an absolutely amazing time and well worth the trip, I feel I have created even stronger relationships with CIG staff and members of the community for the benefit for our racing community and hope to keep up the momentum.

Thanks to all our major sponsors: Altama Energy, Yacht Club, Daedalus Initiative, Exiles, Genova Heavy Industries + Talons Outer Haven.

Thanks a million to Swift+Tropix, Zyloh, Molly and Segellion for all your help in Manchester.

We missed you Rosseloh and Momo!

More clips from CitizenCon

Brendon Grove